Construction on East Holly Street is progressing as planned and installation of the storm drain will continue for the next two weeks. Currently, the 6th Avenue intersection is closed for East Holly Street construction. All other intersections are open, and County Road 351 is open to 1-lane traffic. Construction will continue to progress from East to West in two-block segments.
Truck Traffic: Truck traffic will detour to Central Ave and 14th St SE. Signage will guide truck traffic along the detour. A detour map can be found on the project website: www.mdt.mt.gov/pubinvolve/eastholly. For truck traffic heading to Sidney Sugars, special signage has been put in place to direct traffic along the detour to Sidney Sugars.
Non-Truck Traffic: A detour route will not be established for non-truck traffic during the 2-block closures of East Holly Street. Motorists should utilize alternative streets during closures.
If you would like direct updates on East Holly construction,
- text “eastholly” to 555888, or
- email eastholly@kljeng.com, or
- call the construction hotline at 1-800-987-3681